Wednesday, April 7, 2010

los momentos preciosos

Perhaps my life is just too exciting these days to keep my blog up to date. Haha... Oh, if only that were true. Life has been a wild journey of emotion lately, but as far as being a wild journey of adventure... Not so much.

Easter was a great holiday. I am learning so much about life and how to love the people around me. I would say that Easter was a great day for me to embrace my family and to just love them for exactly who they are. I spent the morning at Lifehouse Church, complete with a classic skit (a la Barbara Cirks and Helen Lee. There were Easter hats involved.)and Easter breakfast. Then I drove down to Newport with the parentals. I kept mostly quiet the whole day, just trying to be present and appreciate the moments... And I did appreciate them! It was a beauiful day--no tears and no quarreling. Hallelujah.

Now that Easter is over, 100% of my attention is devoted to our women's retreat (Rubies and Pearls!! ... Or R&P as we like to call it). It has been a least 6 months in the making, and I cannot believe it's coming up this weekend. Last night I was at the church office with Sarah, Alyse, and Kirsten getting things ready. These are precious moments. I sense the winds of change blowing as we wrap up this season of Impact and Fly. I hope and pray these winds will blow us all into new challenges and adventures! Tonight we will be there again... I get to practice a skit I am doing with Kathy Collins for Saturday morning at R&P. If you had ever met Kathy Collins, or seen her in a skit, you would have a huge smile on your face right now... And tonight I will relish in the moments of spending time with my beloved sisters, as I we all prepare to take steps toward the next great thig God has in store.

Precious moments.

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