Here are a few other pics from Mexico...

The other day I heard someone refer to their trip to Mexico as "helping the less fortunate people of Mexico." This shocked me a little because I certainly do not think of these trips like that. We need to let God use us to meet people's physical needs, absolutely, but I think it's silly to think that these people would be happier if they had all the things we have. I'm not sure if you've looked around lately, but I don't think that flushing toilets and fancy new cars really make people all that happy.
I am glad the people of Mexico are not like us. I am glad they have a slow pace of life and let their dogs, cats, and horses run free. I'm glad they have taco stands and throw huge fiestas to celebrate absolutely everything. Obviously there is injustice and many improvements these people could benefit from, but thinking we need to help them be like us doesn't really seem to be that productive. We need to partner with God to repair creation instead of thinking that our riches are going to "save" these people from their poverty.
Mexico trips always illuminate for me how BIG our God is and how rich you are when you are aware of His LOVE. I am so thankful He has allowed me to experience other places and other people...I never want to be someone who thinks a person NEEDS luxury in order to survive. I want to get my hands dirty with the desperation that draws people to their knees --dirty with the filth of broken people who need the grace of God to make it through another day. This requires relentless abandon to the purposes of the Almighty, and a willingness to fearlessly engage the sadness in the world.
Who are the "less fortunate" people my friend was talking about? Most likely it is the people who can't admit how much they need other people. The people who build mountains of luxury for themselves while they Botox their troubles away. I think I'd rather be a Mexican.
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