Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"It's a great day at Sherwood Spa, this is Jen!"

Mmm mmm another day at Sherwood. Aside from the usual morning crowd, who sit and leisurely sip coffee and discuss their private jets (I'm serious), this day has been quieter than most. The phone hasn't rang, and the only maintenance issue I was faced with was talking to the exterminator who came because apparently there is a rodent living inside one of our gym machines. He said this isn't true because there is no evidence of such a thing. I secretly wish there was a rat living in the machine, in fact, why stop at one? I can just imagine the thrill of ten little baby rats spilling out of the treadmill when a member tries to increase the incline. Hahaha, just the thought puts a smile on my face.

It's not that I wish harm upon these people, I am simply a product of extreme, debilitating boredom. Like, I didn't know it was possible to be this bored. I think a few of my brain cells die every day, and the cellulite on my upper thighs is slowly creeping down to my knees from the lack of movement and the extra bagels and candies I consume as a result of my boredom.

I'm choosing to stay positive today. I know I'm learning something from this. I also know that one day I will look fondly on this time and wish for a moment of boredom... but let me just say to my non-bored self somewhere down the road, and to you who might think being bored is cool... It's not. While I am thankful for the blessing and freedom of this time, I am excited to use my brain again!

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