I arrived at camp around 7pm and was whisked away to Craig's Thursday night Bible study. It's a group of young parents (and their many precious little ones) who meet on Thursday nights at one of their houses. I felt so welcomed and at home. The days that followed are kind of a blur now. Craig and I spent the day together on Friday, during which he gave me a tour of "the valley" (the Scott Valley--quite different from the San Fernando Valley). He took me to a mountain summit in a snow storm, and then out to dinner at the cutest little brewery in downtown Etna. Over the next few days the other staff leadership arrived and we began our training. It has been a lot to take in all at once, but these people are wonderfully genuine and interesting and so much fun. We eat together and laugh and tell our life stories and dream about the summer together.
I'm not going to lie, I have felt extremely overwhelmed and even sad during many moments during this time. It is hard to acknowledge that I am so far away from life as I know it. I am so far from the people who know me. I am thankful for this time because I am confident that I am being stretched in amazing ways, but it is truly an act of daily surrender to lean in to this new challenge. My position requires a great deal from me as far as leadership is concerned. I have been entrusted with a lot, and it is really exciting. In light of that, I am determined to live in complete surrender so that His greater power can work through me this summer. I am so uniquely positioned to do this job, and I love it!
I cannot wait to see what these next few months hold!
more soon.